Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

This week's Sunday Funnies looks at The Human Fly. We were going to make fun of Marvel for coming up with this character, since they'd had a lot of luck with that human spider, but then we found out that Spider-Man actually guest-starred in The Human Fly's book, so Marvel wasn't trying to pretend otherwise. I guess it was less calculated than Spider-Woman.

What struck us was the fact that the cover tells us he's "the wildest super-hero ever -- because he's REAL!" We don't remember ever hearing about a real super-hero called the Human Fly, or anyone who looked like the guy on the cover, for that matter. Apparently, the "real" Human Fly was a stunt man named Rick Rojatt. Except the real Rick Rojatt wasn't a super-hero at all, wild or otherwise, though he did have a rocket-powered motorcycle, which kind of beats the Batcycle. Then again, he only used it once and it crashed, badly. Still, prior to crashing (well, more like simultaneously) The Human Fly beat Evil Kneivel's bus jumping record.

The Human Fly #1.


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