Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

On this Sunday Funnies, we point out that while Captain America has had a bad week, he's had some good times. Think of how he'd been frozen in a big ice cube for over a decade, believed dead, only to be rescued by the newly formed Avengers who soon made him their leader on and off for decades. While he was sitting in that chunk of ice watching the rest of comic's Golden Age Super-Heroes vanish from supermarkets and newsstands, it had to be a bit unhappy for him, but he got cartoons, and secret agent girlfriends, and lunchboxes and a shoddy 90's movie and some weird 70's movies made about him since thawing out. Somehow I think he'll get over the unfortunate events of the past week just fine.

The coolest Cap item we found isn't just a Captain America item, it's an Avengers item. A snappy button featuring tiny heads of the early Roy Thomas-era Avengers that only cost 39 cents originally. A cool button for 39 cents may have been a great deal, but buying it also apparently made you an Official Member of the Super Hero Club! Not that's money well spent. (The current asking price, not so much... especially since most members of the Avengers listed there have either gone insane or died.)


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