Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Continuing our winding up of Holy Sunday with a Very eBay Apocalypse we present: a white horse. That can only mean a conqueror is upon us.

The rider of the first horse, according to the Book of Revelation, will be the first of the horsemen to ride in to town, and he'll start conquering. It is assumed he'll conquer in the name of peace, and thus his darker motivation will go unrecognized.

There's nobody riding the horse in this picture, so you can either interpret that to mean either that the conqueror has already arrived and gotten off his horse to start conquering or that the conqueror is so dreadfully terrifying you're blocking him out when you look at the picture.

The third, and more reasonable interpretation, is that in order to avoid costly slander/libel lawsuits, we weren't going to take a chance by finding a picture of some guy riding a white horse and suggest that guy is the antichrist.

No matter which interpretation you choose to subscribe to, remember none of this is the fault of the horse.


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