Wednesday, August 16, 2006

An eBay A Day...

Welcome to eBay A Day: An Auction Almanac.

In theory, you can find almost anything on eBay at any time. To put this theory to the test, and just for the fun of it, we here at eBay A Day will locate an item available for bid each day which relates in some way to that day, be it historical trivia or a religious or secular observance or anything that has to do with anything we think of.

Please note the following fine and dandy print:
1. eBay A Day: An Auction Almanac is not affiliated with eBay in any way (except the author has an eBay account). We neither recommend nor discourage your use of eBay. eBay is a registered trademark (we assume) of eBay, Inc. (or something like that. We'll look it up later).
2. We promise the items we mention are not for sale by anyone affiliated with this blog.
3. We are by no means encouraging (nor discouraging) you to bid on anything we mention.
4. Any problems you develop, such as eBay Addiction, household clutter, outstanding PayPal balances or positive or negative feedback are your own problems. Don't go blaming us for them. We didn't load the gun or pull the trigger. We may aim it a little, but hey, nobody's perfect.
5. If this thing catches on and you decide to cash in on it by trying to post items related to a day, that's great. Try to make it amusing and maybe we'll find it. Don't send us links. If you do, we'll skip your item. We're not in it to help you sell stuff.*
6. Speaking of not being in it to sell stuff, we'll tell you about items available, but we won't be linking to them. You'll have to find the actual auction listings for yourselves.*

* Unless we're bribed really good.